HSE and Quality

TCO Policies:

- HSSEEQ Policy (AFO-QHSE-100

- Conflict Mineral Policy (AFO-PUR-100)

- TCO Equality Report  (Likestillingsredegjørelse – TCO AS)



TCO AS quality assurance system is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 (certification number 900991) and API Q1(certification number Q1-4617)

TCO Products Inc. quality assurance system is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 (certification number 8309)

We are a registered member of Achilles Oil & Gas Community (ID 00038313). 

TCO is also registred through the new system deployed for the Magnet JQS (ID1290)


The Transparency Act

From July 1st 2022, the Act relating to enterprises’ transparency and work on fundamental human rights and working conditions (Transparency Act/Åpenhetsloven) came into force. Under this act, everyone holds a right to ask a corporation how they are handling consequences for fundamental human rights and decent working relationship in their business. TCO AS is covered by this act.

Available here the TCO AS Transparency Act (Redegjørelse Åpenhetsloven).


Do you want more information about the Act?

Please read here: https://www.forbrukertilsynet.no/the-transparency-act



If you have other information related to the Act, please contact us at tco@tcogroup.com. Any enquiries will be answered within three weeks.



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